Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Invisible Man

What's up Party People?

Today I bring you the works of Liu Bolin.

Liu Bolin is a man who knows the meaning of the word dedication. I have included a video that talks briefly about his process. In 2010 Liu teamed up with photographer Matteo Bertolio to create a campaign for Oris Watches. Every performance seams to have a much deeper meaning boiling underneath the surface. Liu puts a great deal of thought in to each performance. In the film posted below Liu says, "To be honest, during the performance, I just stand there not moving...when I choose the background, and consider all the reasons, I have to express clearly to the audience why I choose a certain background...During the creation my thoughts diverge, and I focus on wider issues..."

p.s. No, they are not photo-shopped.  

What do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011


What's up Party People?

Today I bring you the Walking Dead!

The Walking Dead, written by Robert Kirkman, is a story of one man's struggle to protect his family in a post apocalyptic, zombie wasteland. For some, that description alone would be enough reason to read any comic book, but for me there is so much more. The story is very character driven, and the characters are written phenomenally. However you should be warned that Kirkman, will not hesitate to mangle and/or kill every one of your favorite characters as if they were yesterday's garbage. I keep promising myself that I won't be shocked the next time he kills someone, but he manages to get the best of me over and over again.

I can't tell you much about the television show, as I have only seen the first episode, but I can tell you that the zombies are way scarier on television than they are in the comics. Check out the Walking Dead Page on AMC's website for some really cool behind the scenes videos on the making of the show.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Houston We Have a Problem

Hello and good Monday to the very few who are actually reading this blog. Today I bring you a trailer for a film that will be released in this years Santa Barbara International Film Festival. "Love" which is written, produced, and directed by William Uebank, is pinging multiple points on my "independent films radar." Including: psychological suspense, science fiction, visually striking CG, post-apocalyptic survivalism, and much, much, more. 

All and all it looks like this could be a really great movie. It certainly seems to have some strikingly beautiful scenes. I was a little concerned when I read that the entire soundtrack was created by Tom Delonge of Angels & Airwaves. However, if the rest of the soundtrack is as good as the song on the trailer and the story line turns out to be as good as it sounds in the synopsis, then we might be in store for a great film.

...what do you think?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blind Cheetahs and $#!%

I wasn't going to post again this week, but I just had to share this video. The site I found it on, http://www.baekdal.com/design/logorama-pulp-fiction-for-brands, described it as a Pulp Fiction for brands. I love the way they have incorporated so many different symbols. These guys have a great attention for detail.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Beware, the content is a little vulgar.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"It's not like I'm trying to copy nature, I'm just somehow trying to relate to it."

This week I am featuring an artist who is doing three things that I really enjoy. First off he really thinks outside the box. His sculptures are like nothing I've ever seen before, but they are very simple in concept. Secondly he is using recycled materials. I love to see an artist take something that's been discarded as trash and turn it in to something beautiful. Thirdly he is relating to nature. So without further ado, I give you Reuben Margolin.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hoogerbrugge......I am both terrified and amazed.

Hello All,

This week I wanted to share an artist that I have recently discovered. Han Hoogerbruge is a Dutch digital artist with a style that could be described as "creepy," but I'm going to put him in the category of "strangely compelling." I found his interactive Flash animation Flow, to be particularly compelling as it requires viewer interaction to complete. If you haven't come across him before in the past, you are in for a real treat.

You should also check out his Modern Living / Neurotica series

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Real Price of Being Brilliant.

Hello friends and stumblers. Welcome to my first "official" post. I stumbled on to this video today and began to ask myself one question. Can you be a truly brilliant artist without be dramatically inept in some other portion of your genetic make-up? Watch the video and you will see what I mean:

I guess what  I would really like to know is how many of these people are looked over because they are just too far gone. Nathaniel Ayers (the subject of the 2009 film The Soloist) serves as a prime example. Had he not be discovered by Steven M. Lopez, he would still be just another crazy musician living on the streets. 

What are your thoughts?